Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Commitment Brings Wealth, What Will You Commit?

Will you do ANYTHING that is moral, ethical and legal to bring wealth into your life? To become financially stable? To give your family a life of stability?

Are you willing to commit yourself to attaining your goal of wealth?

This is what it took for me to begin, total commitment. Not only on the weekends or when I had time to spend on it. It took total COMMITMENT. Day after day early mornings and late evenings when I held down that job or just over broke.

Just try the simple things that I have placed below and I guarantee there will be change in your life.

Your Daily Affirmation:
“I commit to being wealthy.”

Say this to yourself for the next 30 days, in the mornings or afternoon. Just begin to use this statement in your day.

Next try these two action steps.

Action Steps
  1. Write why you want to be wealthy

    Write a simple paragraph on why this is important to you.

  2. Get out of your comfort zone!

    Find a friend, family member that supports you and say “I commit to being a Millionaire by _______”

    And have your friend say “I believe in you”

That is it! Start working on your plan. Get into some daily action. Try this and over the next 30 days and see what it brings into your life.

All The Best,
Kem Muhammad