Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Vemma Next Knocks The Competition OUT!

vemma next, vitamins, children, kids, health, wellness, H1N1, flu

How does Vemma NEXT rank against the competition? Check out the Vemma NEXT comparison chart and you’ll see there is no competition! This chart shows a true picture of the healthy benefits of Vemma NEXT. At a glance, it’s easy to see Vemma NEXT is the finest and most complete children’s supplement available. With a superior nutrient blend and an ORAC score of 3315, our competitors don’t even come close!*

*ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. The ORAC test is one of the most sensitive and reliable methods of measuring the antioxidant power of foods. The higher the ORAC score, the more antioxidants the food contains.

For each month's supply of Vemma NEXT™ purchased Vemma will donate a month's supply to a child in need. You can help even more with a gift contribution of $5, $10 or even more to Children’s Miracle Network.

NEXT is available in a 1 Pack for $40 or Fridge Brick for $50 – Order your supply of Vemma NEXT and donate to a great cause today!

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Kem & Evelyn Muhammad

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